Hydrogen Combined Heat and Power System is a 100% green hydrogen (H2) as a climate-neutral fuel for combined heat and power. Highly efficient, field-tested natural gas engines of the agenitor type as the basis for the 2G hydrogen CHP, it can be used by public utilities and other energy suppliers as well as by industrial and commercial companies.

Hydrogen Combined Heat and Power System

The CHP system was developed by our partner 2G Energy and is the first in the world to be a reciprocating engine running off of 100% hydrogen. This was also the first time there was a ‘fossil fuel-free storage system’ – wind power being stored as a fuel.

Hydrogen Combined Heat and Power System

H2 produced by excess renewable energy (mainly wind) through the use of an electrolyser, is stored in tanks and used when the system requires it.

The CHP agenitor 406 H2, which uses the hydrogen to produce energy, was supplied by 2G Energy as a ready-to-connect container solution.

Want to know more about the possibilities of hydrogen and how it can apply to you now or in the future! please Contact us.